Last night, I took a trip down the street on my little red wonder bike, to see the premier of the much-anticipated KICKASS 2…
I was pretty stoked about it, though I admittedly haven’t read Mark Millar's graphic
novels yet (I know, I know. Bad geek girl! What can I say? I’ve been working). I was even a little bit nervous that I was only five minutes early when I got to the box office. Was I too late to get a ticket?... Nope. No problem. Then I got into the theater...
Now, Thursday nights aren’t exactly hoppin’ in theaters in Atlanta, but I kind of expected SOME turn out for opening night…
I rubbed my butt in every one of those seats. |
Instead, I got the whole place to myself. So I sat my butt
down, took a sip of my Diet Coke, and waited on the previews…
And, surprise number two of the night...There were
no previews! The lights dimmed. The “Buy some snacks and get off your phones!”
video played, and we went straight into the flick. Among the many joys of going
to one of the few independent movie theaters left in the world, skipping the
commercials and going straight into the main course is one.
Okay, before I get into this, go watch the film. Seriously.
I was gonna try to avoid spoilers, but… No. Go watch the film. I know I did
this to you with PACIFIC RIM, but, well, this ain’t GI JOE.
I will tell you this. This film doesn’t pull punches. It's bigger, bloodier, and all around more...well...Kickass than the original. Prepare to see characters you care about
get their asses handed to them. Prepare to see them die. No one is safe. Oh,
and it’s got a lot of Girl Punch. If you’re a geek girl with a good
relationship with your dad, you may find yourself tearing up at a few points. I'm not too proud to admit, I did.
Okay, so now that I’ve gotten through that, go watch the
film, come back, and we’ll talk. SPOILERS AHEAD!! You have been warned.