Oh, and DISCLAIMER: I don't promise any of it'll be pretty till I get off my tablet and onto my laptop, but that's about half the fun, now isn't it?)
DEFCON21 Liveblog
Aug 1, 8:28 EST -- A journey of a few thousand miles begins with a train ride, Pandora, and MIA's "Paper Planes"... Well, actually it really began with a 5:30 alarm clock, a cup of coffee, and a peanut butter sandwich, a bunch of running around my apartment, and a brisk walk to the train station... But who the hell cares about that crap?
We'll skip and/or gloss over the boring parts, like the plane I'm on right now or how I'm too cheap to pay $5 for wifi, so this won't really be a live blog till my layover in Phoenix and/or till I get out of the airport in Vegas. Pretty good run-on sentence there, eh? I'm gonna hit it and quit it now till something actually happens on this here lil scribe's journey. Cheers!
10:15 PST... Note, this was supposed to be the first actual live part of the DEFCON live blog, but the Phoenix airport is ridiculous. Thanks to sitting on the Tarmac for an hour and almost missing my connection, though, I did meet a pretty rad little kid who wanted to know about ESP and may be Fighting Fire's newest fan. High five, Remy! (And sorry if I got your name wrong. Those engines are loud.)
3:59 PST -- I made it! And found both Cloudy and Tasky... And lost them again, but in the meantime, this...
...turned into this...
Stay tuned!
Aug 2, 8:19 PM PST -- a day by the pool, meeting people and talking shop. Not bad!... And camping in a casino's ladies room to charge your cell phone isn't weird at all. Hush!... Onward to dinner and meeting more future sheeplings!
10:15 PM PST -- Queercon is fabulous!
Aug 3, 1:45 PM PST -- About to head to the "Stalking a City for Fun and Frivolity" talk. Because why not? (I swear, I'll post pics of all this insanity soon. Blogger and phones, man.)
10:07 PM PST -- Dualcore is straight killin' a Doctor Who rap right now! Wutt!!!!!
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